One of our expert travel agents can get you to Budapest

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One of our expert travel agents can get you to Budapest

Fill in the online enquiry below and one of our experts will contact you shortly (Budapest does not have a specific deal at the moment).

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This captivating Eastern European city on the Danube River offers a blend of mysterious romance and classic European elegance. Hungary’s largest city is filled with all the charm of other continental capital cities but with a magic all its own. Centuries old castles and cathedrals stand impressively over ancient city streets while the Gresham Palace is just one of many stunning buildings that offer a dose of Art Nouveau magnificence.


Budapest is a city filled with excellent restaurants and has lively entertainment and night life outlets. The arts and culture scene is also highly developed and just one must see event while visiting is an authentic Hungarian folk dance which is considered a great art form in itself. Budapest is also known for its spas and baths, a tradition began by the ancient Romans. The Rudas Turkish baths constructed in 1550 still operate today along with the palatial atmosphere of the one hundred year old Széchenyi Baths. This is a city that continues to impress and its beautiful scenery is an unforgettable delight.
